Guides and videos for NSW staff and patients
Infographics, guides and videos for Video Call users and their patients
On this page you will find links to guides, videos and infographics to assist staff and patients to become familiar with Video Call.
Quick Reference Guides for health service providers (QRGs)
Sign in and join a patient - for health service providers
Send the clinic link, join a patient and add another participant to the call
Start a new Video Call - for health service providers
Share images and other resources in a Video Call
Switch camera during a Video Call
Add and manage Team Members - for Clinic administrators
Calling a phone from your Video Call - add a phone participant to your call
Links for health service providers
Logging in with SSO_infographic
Simple Waiting Area infographic for Team Members
Detailed Waiting Area infographic for Team Members
Video Call tips for clinicians
Clinician troubleshooting guide
Translated languages for the Video Call Resource Centre
For administrators
Simple Waiting Area infographic for Clinic Administrators
Detailed Waiting Area infographic for Clinic Administrators
Create a patient appointment flyer for your clinic with QR Code
Create patient invitation templates
Quick reference guides for mobile users
Share a resource into your call using Apps & Tools
Picture in Picture - pop a participant out of the call screen
Take a photo and share into the call
Information to send to patients
Patient video - how to start a Video Call
Patient Appointment Flyer – generate a patient flyer in the required language with clinic link and QR code
How to attend a consultation (for patients)
Patient tips for video telehealth